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Pediatric Therapy

Children can provide us joys in life. We want the best for them because they are our future. Our team invests in children to help them grow to be the best that they can be. We strive for fun ways to engage with them and also help them achieve results.
Pediatric Cases We Treat
Delays in fine motor or gross motor skills
Help developing visual motor skills – tracking an object, hand-eye coordination
Difficulty with walking, jumping, and other gross motor skills with movement
Cognitive delays including problem-solving skills, memory, and attention
Children with sensory integration challenges and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Delays in play and social interaction skills
Delayed speech development, Expressive language skills
Stuttering / Fluency disorders
Voice and resonance
Voice Disorders
Difficulty processing language
Help with learning basic self-care tasks, such as getting dressed
Evaluating the need for specialized equipment: hand braces and supports, devices for accomplishing tasks, and adaptive equipment
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